Monday, August 15, 2005


Well, hasn't this been a fun week! Since the last time I posted, I have done the following things:

1. Got really sick.
2. Attempted to get everything in order for my grand departure.

It's been pretty crazy, but I think I've got everything under control. We'll see how well that theory holds up come this Friday when I move in. However, everything should be made much easier by the fact that tommorrow should be(if all goes well) the last day I ever have to work fast food for the rest of my life! No more fussy customers, no more coming home smelling like grease! I'm thankful for the fact that I've had the work available to me, but I'll be darned if I really ever enjoyed it aside from the times where everything was really, really slow, and I could talk with a couple of the people there. Between the memories of the fast food and the construction work I did this summer, I think I'll have enough to keep me motivated through college in hopes that I will never have to work in those fields again. One can only hope.


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