
Just got my new camera today, and am pretty excited about it. It's nice and small, as you can see, and is quite easy to use(so far, anyways). Hopefully I can get a chance tomorrow to take it out for some real shooting. Maybe before work.
In my personal life, things have been pretty dull recently. Most of my time is spent at work, which can get insanely boring, especially after 10 hours. Looking forward to school starting up, as it should be an exciting new experience. At the very least, it shouldn't be insanely boring. Of course, less boredom usually comes at the price of higher stress levels, but nothing is perfect, eh?
hi Dv!
I'm shopping for a new digital camera. yours looks nice...I think I'll look up some info on it...
I'm liking it so far, so definitely check into it. There are several other cameras in the price range that are almost identical feature-wise(Canon S2, Sony H1), so choosing was a bit tricky, but I think I made the right choice for me.
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