Friday, September 16, 2005


Long time, no post! I've been pretty busy with school and stuff, so I've been neglecting posting here. Nothing big has really happened since my last post. I've just been doing my homework, playing various pick-up sports out on the athletic fields, and attending CCC Bible studies. I'm starting to get settled in to the college life a bit more, and getting to know some new people. All in all, life is pretty good.

I am writing after spending all last night climbing Quandary Peak, and 14,265 ft. mountain, with a CCC group. In addition to being the highest mountain I've ever done, it was also the only time I'd ever done one in the dark. However, the experience was amazing. The moon was almost full, so we were able to climb most of the way with very little artificial light. Our group managed to get to the top first (a picture of that should be coming shortly). On the way down, the moon was blocked by a ridge. That meant if we turned off our headlamps, we could an amazing number of stars. Never in my life have I seen a night sky like the one I saw last night. I'd heard about the Milky Way before, but I'd never actually seen it in the sky. I also saw eight shooting stars, probably more than I'd ever seen in my life up to that point. One of them was a big fireball type thing, rather than the little streaks you usually see. Awesome. When we got down, we rushed back to school in time for morning classes. Fortunately for me, my eight o'clock class was cancled, so I got to get a few hours of sleep before heading off to calculus. All in all, an amazing experience.


At 5:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Bout time! =P
Sounds like fun, but you know that those pretty shooting stars are really large pieces of spacerock that if big enough could smash our little earth into oblivion, right?

At 10:22 AM, Blogger David said...

I know that, but some guy in our group didn't. The exchange went something like this:

Guy #1: "Let's watch one of the stars until it goes down."
Guy #2: "You know shooting stars aren't actually stars,right?"
Guy #1: "Really?"
Everyone else: "It's time to go home and rethink your life, dude"

I hope he was just being funny.

At 11:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This guy is at MINES!?! lol


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