First Day
First real day of college timeline:
7:30 - Wake up, get dressed, eat breakfast.
9:00 - Work first shift at library. Went pretty smoothly, not really hard work.
12:00 - First class, honors Calc II. The professor is super young, though apparently graduated.
1:00 - Cafeteria lunch. Got free copy of Blue Like Jazz from CCC.
1:45 - Fill out a billion silly forms in for my job at human resources.
2:30 - Nature and Human Values. I'm still not sure what this class is.
4:00 - Start and finish my homework. I love the beginning of the year.
6:00 - Go to FCA/CCC/IV BBQ volleyball/ultimate frisbee/concert thing. I stink at frisbee, but I met a lot of people.
9:00 - Return to dorms, start writing this post, hang out, etc.
So far, so good. I'm meeting lots of new people, and doing all sorts of stuff:

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