21 Days...
....until A-Basin's target opening date! Feel the anticipation!
Moviing to more pressing matters, it's a Friday night. I can either.....
1. Drive home, pack up my desktop computer, CRT monitor, and myriad of cables, load them in my car, drive to a friends house, load all the stuff into his car, get to DU, take previously mentioned stuff into Comp Sci building, set up computer, play CS(I don't have any of the other games they're playing), get owned, have pizza (yay!), pack up computer, drive back to friends house, load stuff in my car again, drive home, re-set up computer, and drive back to school.
My evaluation: Too much work for the amount of fun I'll be having
2. Canvass the campus to find some people to see Serenity or Corpse Bride with me.
My evaluation: Minimal work, pretty fun if I can get a good group and the movies are good.
3. Stay here, work on developing my mad Python skills, and watch Babylon 5.
My evaluation: Fairly enjoyable, but a little too lonely, I think.
I'm going to try for option two, we'll see how things turn out....
Thanks for seeing Corpse Bride with me... even though it took WAY too much whining. groveling, begging, pleading, and general "you suck cause you won't see a movie with me."
Did you get that Chem stuff done?
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